Reconnecting to Nature & Community

Finding Our Way Back

Connecting to nature

I believe in connection. We’re connected to soil. We’re connected to nature. We’re connected to each other.

We’ve lost trust in this process and this way of being in the world. When we disconnect from the ground under our feet, our food, and our communities, we lose our sense of being part of the whole. Regeneration knits all of these pieces together, offering the connection we all so desperately need. We are watching biodiversity disappear before our eyes while ecosystems everywhere struggle with the weight of these losses. Concurrently, we are losing each other.

I believe we can find our way back to connection. And, I know we’re hungry for it. How do I know? Oftentimes, when I meet with a client, they just want to be heard, want to share a story, or express a deep desire to engage in personal conversation beyond what I’m there to do. I’ve even been asked if I could give a hug. Sometimes I feel like a garden therapist instead of a garden designer. But, in a way, that’s part of what I’m here to do. I’m here to help us regenerate, heal, and come back to the knowing we are together on this tangled journey. Let’s not leave anyone behind because each one of us matters just like each microscopic microbe in the soil matters. Healthy microbial communities build healthy soil which in turn offers us nutrient dense foods, resilient ecosystems, and a planet we can thrive on. Healthy humans build healthy communities. Healthy communities build healthy futures for us all.

We need to slow down our fast paced, social media saturated, and endless consumption hamster wheel. What would happen if we spent more time outside growing gardens, smelling the earth, and talking to neighbors? We would rediscover resiliency, heal our urban ecosystems, and feed our need for reconnection. We would become active participants in the natural and human ecology around us and in us. We would learn to trust nature and create the bonds we ache for in an ever changing world.

community gardening

If you are interested in understanding more about our relationship to nature and each other, and how these attachments, or lack of, are affecting everything else around us check out some of my favorite reads. I think we all want reassurance there is something we can do to find our place in the world while also finding our way back to what we already know. This is why I founded Honeywood.

Honeywood Garden Design helps you create and build regenerative landscapes.


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