Garden Services

Design, Installation & Consulting

  • Create Your Garden

    Consulting & Design. We will help you create the Colorado native garden you’ve been dreaming of. During our initial consultation, we’ll discuss your ideas and complete a site survey. If you choose to move forward, we’ll return to take measurements and photos to begin your design. Starting our process from the ground up in order to achieve healthy and resilient gardens is our first priority. Designing with creative purpose and intention on every project is our focus. If you choose to DIY, we can guide you through recommended regenerative gardening practices for creating and managing your own native garden habitat.

    Denver Garden Design
  • Build Your Garden

    Planting & Installation. We love to get our hands dirty. Whether it’s a native prairie pollinator garden or shade garden, we are ready to build with you. Creating the garden of your dreams and watching the process come to fruition is what we really get excited about. Honeywood uses best practices when building gardens with thriving ecosystems, focusing on resilient beauty and ecology in today’s changing climate. Regenerative landscaping uses less lawn, concentrating on native plants acclimated to our environment, habitat renewal, and water conservation. We install mostly water-wise, native flowers, grasses, and shrubs.

    Native Pollinator Garden
  • Grow Your Garden

    Continued care. This is where you reap the rewards of regenerative gardening! Helping you grow thriving plants with impeccable aesthetics is key. This is accomplished by adhering to responsible land stewardship without the use of chemicals and carbon emission outputs. Providing you with the knowledge on how to best care for your landscape and manage a nurturing environment using less lawn, water, and chemicals is important to us. We offer seasonal management and coaching assistance for existing design clients. We want to teach you how to become a regenerative gardener. Installation clients receive a 30 minute coaching session after project completion.

    Rengerative Gardening Practices

Why Honeywood?

It all begins with experience and a professional you can trust. We provide consulting and garden design specializing in native pollinator, prairie meadow, and woodland shade gardens. Honeywood Garden Design only practices regenerative gardening, which means building healthy soil, creating thriving ecosystems rich in biodiversity, protecting our air and water, and avoiding chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Beautiful landscapes are our goal and healthy gardens are our priority.

Using less water, less grass, diversifying native flowers and plants species, composting, and maintaining a healthy environment for all is our vision for your landscape. We love sunny pollinator gardens as much as shady woodland gardens. Specializing in restoring landscape function above and below the ground based on holistic, creative, and environmentally responsible application is our founding principle. Adding resilient native gardens to your property and limiting turf grass reduces your landscape expenses over time. Your regenerative spaces will require significantly less water, no expensive chemical treatments, and reduce carbon emission outputs with a bountiful long term return on your investment. Honeywood provides urban gardening projects and services in the Denver metro area.

Let’s Build Your Garden Together.

White daisy

By reconnecting with soil, we heal the planet and ourselves.

Leah Penniman, Soul Fire Farm